gives you news from a multitude of perspectives, spanning various outlets and topics - the most significant headlines and short news summaries, no ads, images, or deceptive clickbait. The site is clean and simple, searchable and filterable and archived daily. News stories are updated frequently throughout the day. To ensure up-to-date information and enhance diversity, sources will be periodically rotated.

  • News headlines from a variety of sources and topics are updated periodically throughout the day here.
  • Short summaries are generated for each story.
  • About 3 per source are posted to the 'current news' table and additional headlines for each source can be found under (More Headlines).
  • Headlines and summaries remain archived on the More Headlines page.

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Current Sources:
  • ABC News
  • ABC World
  • BBC News
  • Breitbart
  • CBN
  • CBS News
  • CNS News
  • CNBC
  • CS Monitor
  • Daily Caller
  • Epoch Times
  • Fox News
  • Huff Post
  • NBC News
  • New York Post
  • News Max
  • NPR News
  • RT News
  • The Guardian
  • The Blaze
  • USA Today
  • Washington Post
  • Zero Hedge
  • Wired
  • Yahoo News
  • Searchable
  • Filterable
  • No ads
  • No Clickbait
  • No Spin or Bias (actually, it's all spin and bias but you decide for yourself)
  • No clutter

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IPHONE Bookmark:

  1. Open Safari on the iPhone.
  2. Navigate to (include https://).
  3. Tap the "Share" button (the square with an arrow pointing up) at the bottom of the screen.
  4. From the share sheet, tap "Add to Home Screen."
ANDROID Bookmark:
  1. Open the Google Chrome app (or any other browser you prefer) on your Android device.
  2. Navigate to (include https://).
  3. Tap the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner of the browser.
  4. From the menu, select "Add to Home screen" or "Add to Home screen" (the exact wording may vary depending on the browser).
  5. A dialog will appear, asking you to confirm the addition of the shortcut to the home screen.
  6. tap "Add" or "OK" to create the shortcut.